Join us for Sunday school at 9:00am and Worship at 10:00am

What is Worship?

Worship is one of the most fundamental things we do as people, and as the Church, this is particularly true.  What are we as Christians, if we aren’t, first and foremost, people who are worshipping God together through the person of Jesus Christ?

Everyone has a hunger for worship, and everybody worships something, whether it’s God, or their job, or their family, or their possessions.  At Grace, we believe that it is only in worshipping God through the person of Jesus Christ that we find the answer to the deepest questions and longings of our souls.

This is because we don’t view worship simply as one activity among many that we do for one hour on Sunday morning.  Rather, we see worship as something which encompasses all of our lives - whether it’s taking our kids to the park, working faithfully at our jobs, helping others in need, or joining together on Sunday morning in singing and prayer.  Worship is something that should fill all of life and forms the very purpose for which God created us and redeemed us. (John 4:23, 1 Peter 2:9).  Our purpose for existing on this earth is to bring praise and honor and glory to God!  In fact, we believe that worship is the goal of all history - all the days of humankind, generation upon generation, are leading to the final fulfillment of time in which people from every tribe and tongue and nation will gather before the throne of God to worship Him forever (Rev. 7).

With this vision of worship, Grace gathers together weekly as God’s people to meet with our Father in a special, corporate way.  Through the reading of Scripture, through the singing of hymns and praise songs, through the preaching and praying, through the celebration of baptism and communion - through all of these things, the gospel message of Jesus Christ is renewed in us.  Together we hear again the promises of God, our Father, and our lives are transformed more and more to match his character of holiness, love, and grace.